For some, there comes a time when you suddenly can't write anymore. Or, maybe you just don't have any clue where to start. We all get that problem at some point. Even while writing blog posts. You have no idea how long I stare at a computer screen before finally coming up with a post idea sometimes (care to help with that? Fill out the form on the sidebar!).
So today I'm going to talk about ten ways to find a plot ideas.
1. Advice. Seriously, getting others' opinions is gold. Even if it's just one or two people, get someone you trust and ask them for ideas or advice. Often, fresh minds will think of other—and sometimes better—things than you could, not to mention encouragement when you're convinced that you're completely worthless as a writer. Writing partners are wonderful this way.
2. Music. If you're a music lover like me, you probably already know how amazing music is when it comes to writing. I've mentioned that it helps stimulate you when you're distracted, but I haven't mentioned the inspiring part. Take one of your favorite songs and turn it into a story. Or maybe use the title of the song as the title of your story. Or maybe even simply take the first line of your favorite song and write your story from that. One song that I've used for this purpose is God On the Mountain.
3. Books. Be creative with this one. If you have that one book(s) that you just love and have reread a few dozen times, write a fan fiction. Even if it doesn't inspire you for your own story, it will get you writing again. Or maybe take a favorite quote from said book and go from there.
4. Titles. Sometimes, all you need to give you that little nudge is a title for your story. Book title generators are perfect for that kind of thing. Even if it's something as random as The Girl and Her Slime, you never know what will strike your fancy and put an idea in your head.
5. Photos. A picture is worth a thousand years old, or so states the adage. Find 70 pictures, and you've got a nice-sized novel! In all seriousness, though, pictures do help immensely. My favorite way to find and save pictures is Pinterest, which I'm sure you've at least heard of. Pinterest is full of inspiration waiting to happen.
6. Experience. Has anything interesting or unique happened to you, recently or in the past? Even something completely normal—write it! The best thing about fiction is the name—fiction. You can take completely true stories and turn them into something completely opposite or extraordinary and it will be completely acceptable—because it's fiction!
7. Prompts. This is a no-brainer, really, but there are seriously so many writing prompts out there, and find the perfect one can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Some prompts have their own brands that you can find in specific genres, which is extremely helpful when you have a favorite genre that you like to write. Google is simply but extremely helpful in finding prompts in said genre.
8. Experience. Has anything interesting or unique happened to you, recently or in the past? Even something completely normal—write it! The best thing about fiction is the name—fiction. You can take completely true stories and turn them into something completely opposite or extraordinary and it will be completely acceptable—because it's fiction!
9. Interviews. Has someone you know done something you'd like to write about? You could even write a research paper about the subject to use for future reference! Take this person's experience and turn it into something incredible and breathtaking. Even simply a grandparent, to see how their childhood differs from yours. The possibilities are endless.
10. Hobbies. Now, this might fall under the 'experience' category, but think about it for a moment. If you have a hobby, chances are that you're an expert on the subject—no research required! For example, one of my hobbies is playing music. If I wanted to, I could write a story about a girl who plays piano to relax. And then this would further stimulate questions from which I can derive inspiration: why does she need to relax? Does anyone get annoyed when she plays? Is she any good? You could really take it anywhere.
I hope this helped you gain some inspiration! What's your favorite method to find a plot?