Friday, September 7, 2018

Why Good Formatting is Crucial to Authors

Hey Y’all! Last week, Kate talked about the elements of a good cover design, and why it’s important in getting your book out there. Today I’m here to talk about interior formatting, and why it’s so important in the whole publishing process. ;) So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Interior formatting. It’s not really what will catch the reader's eye to begin with, and at times we don’t really even pay attention to it. So why is it something we Indie authors should be concerned about?

  1. It gives the book a professional look. Sure, anyone can write a book, paste it onto a word doc, and publish it. But as someone who has read both good and poorly formatted books, I’ll tell you right off that a non-professional interior really detracts from my enjoyment of the book. Text that isn’t justified, text breaks that aren’t obvious, and chapters beginnings that don’t line up correctly all make me cringe. And I’m sure other readers will agree with me. The words and story may be amazing, but it’s hard to enjoy them when the formatting keeps getting in the way. Formatting should complement the book in such a way that it adds to the work.
  2. It helps people take you seriously. When a reader opens a book and realizes it’s properly formatted, they’re a lot more prone to think of you as a professional author. And for Indie authors, this is huge. Our books are having to compete with a host of others, including a lot of traditionally published books. And you can be sure that they made sure their formatting is well done. Putting forth the extra effort to get our books formatted in a clear, professional way puts out an image that we’re serious about this.
  3. It’s easier to read. A bit less important than the previous two points, but important. ;) I know I just love it when I open and indie published book and realize it’s been formatted neatly. Because I can enjoy the book and not constantly be distracted by little issues that bug me. Readers don’t just notice the words; they also notice the backdrop.
  4. It’s pretty.  Come on, admit it. I can’t be the only one who does this. (Or… maybe I am...xD) But yes, I’ve picked up a book solely because the interior formatting is so gorgeous. And when it ties in with the cover and story… yeah, that’s a book I’ll most likely really enjoy. And pet. Because I mean, everyone pets their books… right?

So yes, four reasons interior formatting is so important. Do you agree with me? What are some other reasons you think it’s important?

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree! This is something I take seriously with my books because I definitely cannot afford to be looked at as unprofessional! And yes, people! Use Justified text! ;)


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